唳唳膏唳 唳椸Ξ唳ㄠΚ唳
唳嗋Ξ唳班 唳Π唰嵿Δ唳唳ㄠ 唳曕Ο唳监唳曕唳 唳膏唳ム唳ㄠ唳 唳多唳班Δ唳侧唳む 唳忇唳熰 唳唳 唳Π唳苦Ψ唰囙Μ唳 唳膏Π唳Π唳距 唳曕Π唳苦イ
The suburbs are divided into four areas, with each area having a different per term cost; please refer to the table below to see which area your suburb is under.
唳︵Ο唳监 唳曕Π唰 唳ㄠ唳 唳曕Π唰佮Θ: 唳唳 唳Π唳苦Ψ唰囙Μ唳距唳 唳膏唳班 唳唳 唳唳 唳曕Π唳 唳夃唳苦Δ啷
$500 per term
唳ㄠ唳夃Κ唰嬥Π唰嵿 | 唳呧唳唳侧唰嬥Θ唳 唳夃Δ唰嵿Δ唳 |
唳唳班唳曕Σ唳苦Θ 唳︵唰嵿Ψ唳苦Γ | 唳膏唳唳膏唳 |
唳曕唳傕Ω唳唳 |
唳嗋Π唳苦Ο唳监 2
$425 per term
唳膏唳灌唳侧Ξ唰 | 唳呧唳唳侧唰嬥Θ唳 |
唳Ο唳监唳ㄠ唳 唳曕唳 | 唳呧唳唳侧唳熰唳ㄠ 唳唳∴ |
唳呧唰嵿唳 3
$375 per term
唳む唳班唳ㄠ唳 | 唳灌唳唳班唳 唳曕唳班Ω唳苦 |
唳撪Ο唳监唳班唳 | 唳熰唳班唳椸唳ㄠ唳ㄠ |
唳夃唳侧唳唳距Ξ唳 唳侧唳唳ㄠ唳∴唳 |
唳呧唰嵿唳 4
$500 per term
唳膏唳∴唳ㄠ唰嵿Ο唳距Ξ | 唳灌Π唳苦Γ 唳唳班唳 |
唳曕唳囙Σ唳 唳∴唳夃Θ唳 | 唳膏唳∴唳ㄠ唰嵿Ο唳距Ξ |
唳∴唳班唳唳 | 唳熰唳侧Π唳 唳侧唳曕Ω |
唳曕唳傕Ω 唳唳班唳 | 唳∴唳侧唳灌 |
唳嗋Π唰 唳むΕ唰嵿Ο
唳唳冟Ζ唰嵿Π唳: 唳夃Κ唳班唳 唳多唳班Δ唳侧唳 唳膏Ξ唳膏唳 唳呧唰嵿唳 唳膏唳曕唳 唳唳 唳Π唳苦Ψ唰囙Μ唳 唳︵唳唳班 唳嗋唰嵿唳距Ζ唳苦Δ 唳ㄠΟ唳监イ 唳膏唳曕唳 唳唳 唳Π唳苦Μ唳灌Γ唰囙Π 唳呧Θ唰佮Π唰嬥Η唰囙Π 唳呧Θ唰佮Ξ唰嬥Ζ唳 唳膏唳曕唳 唳唳 唳班唳 唳忇Μ唳 唳曕Σ唰囙唰囙Π 唳呧Θ唰佮Ξ唰嬥Ζ唳ㄠ唳 唳膏唳唳曕唳粪啷 唳曕Σ唰囙唰囙Π 唳膏唳曕唳 唳忇Μ唳 唳膏唳曕唳 唳唳膏唳 唳班唳熰唳 唳︵唳班Δ唰嵿Μ 唳呧Θ唰佮Ω唳距Π唰囙 唳 唳曕唳犩唳 唳Π唳苦Μ唳班唳む唳 唳灌Δ唰 唳唳班啷
For further information or to book a place for your child, call the admin office at (03) 87421739 or email transportation@icom.vic.edu.au. Alternatively, you can complete the 唳膏唳曕唳 唳唳 唳Π唳苦Μ唳灌Θ 唳呧Θ唰佮Π唰嬥Η 唳Π唰嵿Ξ 唳忇Μ唳 唳氞唳曕唳む available on our forms page and email it to transportation@icom.vic.edu.au.